Friday, September 30, 2011


Lesson Overview: Students will be making posters inspired by warnings and instructions that they have been told by parents, teachers or their community.

Examples: community - "Don't Drink and Drive"
"No loitering"
parents - "Eat breakfast"
"Get to bed early"
teachers- "Listen and be respectful when someone is speaking to you" etc.

Unit Goal: Ask students to focus on a warning or instruction that they remember being told by one of their parents, a teacher or a community message that they hear repetitively . Each student will create a poster or flyer on the computer so it can be shared with others, incorporating and learning about ideas associated with pop-art, such as repetition and mass production.

Lesson rationale: By focusing on a single message and making visual connections students will be presented with an opportunity to think about what it means, understand the importance (why have they been told this) and share it with their peers and community.

Lesson Objectives:
Students will reflect on the role of their parents and teachers as individuals who strive to guide them and keep them safe.
Students will learn about pop-art artists and ideas
Students will be able to use basic tools on photoshop
Students will learn and demonstrate understanding of the elements and principles of design.

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