Monday, September 26, 2011

Panorama book, Text & image

This is an example of an exercise that can be done with the Accordion Fold Books

First brainstorm and decide on one 'warning' from your parents, teachers, or in the community that you hear all the time. (I chose to focus on something my mom tells me every night before she goes to bed, "Gina - try not to stay up too late, okay?" I say okay, even though in my mind I have hours ahead of me before I plan on calling it a night). This sentence or expression will be inspiration for the imagery in the accordion book. Through the process ask yourself whether you are supporting or mocking the statement and make it clear to the viewer.

Suggested Materials:
Colored construction paper
Scraps of colored paper or magazines
Paste or glue sticks
Colored Pencils, crayons, or markers
Arylic Paint and brushes, paper towels etc.

Estimated time: 2-3 class periods (30 min each)
Age: middle school level or higher

Below are guidelines to consider when creating a composition that includes basic principles and elements of design. Follow these instructions on a lose piece of paper to sketch a composition that relates to your chosen 'warning'.

1. Choose a single shape. This will bring unity to the piece. Make 3 of these. Unity is created because the same basic shape is repeated throughout the composition; Unity is often created by repetition of art elements.
2. Make 10 more of your chosen shape. Make these with variations of size of form. Vary the proportions of the sides of the shapes. Make some of the variations as dramatic as possible. Create contrast. Variety and interest are attained by making variations of the basic shape.
3. Discuss how the arrangement of shapes can create a feeling of movement and rhythm in the composition. (In a classroom setting the teacher and students can experiment together using cut-out paper triangles on an overhead.) After experimenting with possible combinations, paste shapes into place. Try to create a sense of movement along the long horizontal page of the accordion book.
4. Create emphasis and contrast by adding a new kind of shape in a different color.
5. Create emphasis and contrast by adding a new kind of shape in the same or a different color. (You may wish to include a few of these, but be careful to maintain a sense of unity or overall style in your composition.)
6. Using colored pencils add lines which will enhance the sense of movement in your piece.
7. Enhance the composition by creating areas of pattern and texture through repetition of points, lines, or shapes.
8. Consider the entire composition. Does it have a symmetrical or an asymmetrical balance? Add shapes or lines to complete the composition.

To start your accordion book, cut 2 strips of paper 6x18" and fold long strips in half. Fold each half to the middle, making a 'W' shape. Attach the ends together to create one long strip. Place an 'X' over the last two rectangles to mark where you will attach the covers. Use the front of this paper to illustrate your warning inspired by your previous sketches. Make sure to include the text as well. Consider the wide panoramic page you have while you create a composition that includes the following Elements and Principles of design; Unity, Repetition, Proportion, Contrast, Variety and Interest, Movement and Rhythm, Emphasis, Contrast, Pattern and Texture.

When finished, flip paper over and adress the back. When creating a composition on this side consider whether you agree or disagree with the expression you chose to work with and focus on that while incorporating text and image. Finish the interior by making an "About the Author" page.

The final step to construct the book is to add a back cover and front cover. Cut two pieces of cardboard to 6 1/4x 4 5/8". You can use and material or medium to design this. Its easiest to complete the covers before attaching them to the book. The goal is to have visual connections to the interior of your book and include a title and author's name. After the front and back are completed and dried glue them to the first and last rectangle of your panoramic pages.

After everything is done think about the quality of your work. Does the book need edges cleaned up, pencil marks erased, touched up under the cover where the glue is showing?

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