Thursday, September 22, 2011

About Me

I am currently a student at SUNY New Paltz. I started school as an undirected Visual Arts major, with the idea of teaching eventually in the back of my mind. I have always been drawn to working with kids and sharing what I know, and learning with others tools to help us all achieve what we desire.
In the beginning I was exploring different medias, I took painting, drawing, graphic design and sculpture classes, but after I finished basic ceramics I was hooked on this versatile material. I decided that I wanted to enroll in the BFA program with a concentration in ceramics.
While fulfilling other credits I had the chance to get to know my peers who were in the New Paltz Art Education program. As I began to inquire more about the classes offered and the curriculum, including required field work, I decided that it would be silly not to take advantage of such a well developed program while I was here and had the opportunity.
After graduating and moving into the work field and on to get my masters I hope this passionate combination of experiences and hard work with give me unique qualities to offer as a teacher.

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